Friday, February 27, 2009

Wonder (what I'm going to catch) Woman

I've never considered myself a germophobe, but I found myself really squirming today at the kids' school. I sat there during reading group and when I should have been listening to kids, I instead became super aware of the cold, flu and general germy sounds filling the classroom - my ears were tuned to every sniffle, cough and sneeze, the scritch, scritch, scritching of the child sitting next to me with her fingers in her hair. But lets focus on the sneeze -
I developed this Bionic Woman-type vision, where I swear, I could see it all in slow motion coming toward me, yet I didn't quite develop the Bionic Woman speed to avoid the spit that landed on my sleeve. It was all I could do to back out of the room with the neck of my shirt pulled over my mouth.

So, as the latex glove fits - germophobia it is.

I am going to take a shot of Airborne and a hot shower.

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