Eric braved his first double-header yesterday in 90 degree heat. It was a long and hot day under all that gear, but he hung in there and only got out from behind the dish for 3 innings. Those were spent in left field, but we won't talk about that. It wasn't pretty and justified his rule #3 in the "Loveriches Don't" list that is constantly being recited to the kids. (Example: Rule #1 Loveriches don't bunt.) Someday we'll have coaches thanking us for instilling such un-coachability in them. Sorry coach, Dad says I can't bunt, play right field, etc... In his defense, "Loveriches don't quit" is #2. And speaking of, check out the souvenir Eric came home with. I went to pat his back after the game and found a half-baseball sized knot inside his right shoulder blade. He'd taken a fastball there early in the 2nd game. "Did it leave a mark?" he asked? I'd say!
2011 Christmas card
13 years ago